The Butler Room
Our Visitor Center has a large room, suitable for meetings, classes, parties, and gatherings. This room accommodates up to 30 people and has tables, chairs which may be arranged to suit your needs. The room has a projector, whiteboards and a television available for use. Rentals are available for one time events or ongoing meetings. Organizations with a club membership to the Asheville Botanical Garden may use the Butler Room for one free meeting per year.

Butler Room Rental Pricing & Guidelines
- Single Use Rental: $100/hour, 50% discount for non-profit organizations.
- Ongoing Monthly or Weekly Meetings: $50/hour, 50% discount for non-profit organizations.
- Payment is required at time of booking to confirm your reservation.
- Room is available during Visitor Center Hours, 10 am – 4 pm.
- Food and drink are allowed.
- Non-damaging decorations are allowed.
- For more information or to reserve the Butler Room please contact our Operations Manager Kaita Collier at 828-252-5190 or