Welcome to our native plant resources page. Native plant gardening is the best way to help stem the decline of our native plant heritage. Gardening with natives benefits wildlife and reduces dependence on chemical fertilizers, mowing and watering. We’ve created this page to help you learn more about our regional flora and fauna.
ABG Bird List: Click here for a list of bird species observed in the Garden over the years. We rely on experienced birders to report new bird sightings to us. If you see a bird that we haven’t listed, please contact us.
ABG Garden Wildlife Species: Click here for a list of species other than birds observed in the Garden over the years.
PLANTS Database
The United States Department of Agriculture provides details on plants growing in nearly any area of the US. Many plant records have descriptions, photos, and county-level maps noting where plants may be found plus book references.
NC Native Plant Society’s list — Our friends at the NCNPS have compiled a list of recommended and approved nurseries that abide by the NCNPS native plant provenance and invasive plant guidelines.
Bee City USA-Asheville Recommended WNC Native Plant Species, Nursery and Landscaper Lists:
Lists for native pollinator-friendly plants & local suppliers.
Floral Spotlights:
Suzanne Wodek (BGA Board Member) highlights a different plant or tree from the Gardens and writes about it in the local magazine The Laurel of Asheville. We’ve linked to the ones available online.
The Botanical Gardens at Asheville has two plant sales a year (spring and fall). During these sales, our garden staff and volunteers make available native plants grown in our on-site greenhouse at the BGA table next to the gazebo. We offer these BGA plants to our members at a 10% discount. Most of our other plant vendors at our plant sales offer native plants. We’ve included an asterisk (*) next to the native plant vendors who generally attend the BGA’s plant sales. The following contains a list of regional nurseries that carry native plants; a link to the NCNPS list of statewide native plant vendors; and a few online vendors offering mail order plants or seeds. PLEASE NOTE: When you buy native plants, always check the Latin name to ensure you have the correct genus and species.
Carolina Native Nursery * — Located in Burnsville, NC, Carolina Native Nursery specializes in native shrubs and perennials.
Ernst Conservation Seeds(online vendor) — For mail order seeds, they are the largest native seed producer and supplier in the eastern United States.
Flower Moon Nursery * — Located in Morganton, NC, they are growers of high quality native shrubs and hard to find perennials.
Izel Native Plants(online vendor) — For mail order plants, they sell a wide variety of high quality native plants.
M R Gardens* — This nursery located in Asheville, NC is a resource for native and edible landscaping and Microbe Rich gardening. They offer landscape design and garden coaching as well as vegetable starts, beneficial flowers, medicinal herbs, and native wildflowers for the sustainable gardener.
Milkweed Meadows Farm*– Located in Hendersonville, Milkweed Meadows Farm currently produces native wildflower seeds, open-pollinated heirloom vegetable seeds, pollinator-friendly potted plants, cut flowers, and specialty fruits. Educational programs and/or farm tours for groups are also periodically scheduled onsite.
Mountain Mist Nursery* — “The deciduous native azaleas or wild azaleas that we grow are native to the East Coast of the United States. Our goal is to produce plants as they reproduce in nature, from seed, some are by cuttings, from those that will root.”
Painters Greenhouse — Located in Old Fort, NC Painters carries a very large variety of plants including natives and vegetables.
Prairie Moon Nursery (online vendor) — This Minnesota nursery sells native plants and seeds for restoration and gardening. Their catalog is gorgeous and packed with great information. Online, they provide a range map to tell you if the plant you want to buy is native to your area.
Prairie Nursery (online vendor) — Located in Westfield, WI, this mail order company offers a first-rate selection of native plants and seeds. They also have a range map to tell you if the plant you want is native to your area. They also have pre-planned gardens on order — for instance, they will sell you all the plants you need to start a garden to attract Monarchs.
Red Root Native Nursery * — BGA volunteer Jean Harrison operates this native plant nursery located in north Buncombe. The nursery is a wholesale operation, but Jean participates in our plant sales.
Reems Creek Nursery — This Weaverville nursery has a section of native plants.
Roundstone Native Seed Company (online vendor) — For mail order seeds, they are growers of high quality regionally adapted Native Seeds to the eastern United States.
Sandy Mush Herb Nursery * — Located in Leicester, NC, the good folks at Sandy Mush offer all kinds of plants and have quite a few native plants among the mix.
Saturnia Farm* –Located in Jupiter, NC. Saturnia Farm is a small specialty plant nursery focusing on unique perennials, native plants, and select trees and shrubs including native fruit trees. They use chemical-free growing practices.
Sow True Seed — This Asheville-based seed company sells open-pollinated, non-hybrid, gmo-free seeds featuring heirloom, organic, and traditional varieties. You can find some seeds here for native landscaping plants.
Tanager Plants*— Located in Mars Hill, NC they sell primarily wholesale, or retail by appointment. They specialize in regionally grown native plant material and grow from seed whenever possible to ensure genetic diversity.
The Farm Connection — This Marshall-based seed company sells open-pollinated, non-hybrid, gmo-free seeds featuring heirloom, organic, and traditional varieties. You can find some seeds here for native landscaping plants.
Wildbud Natives* — Wildbud Natives grow native perennials, grasses, trees and shrubs for conservation and ecological applications.
Willow Creek Nursery — Located in Weaverville, specializing in ornamental and native perennials they are primarily a wholesale nursery supplying top quality perennials to Landscapers, Gardeners, and Landscape architects.
Woodwise Botanicals — Located in Mills River growing native plants & medicinal herbs.
NISC Website The National Invasive Species Council provides a wealth of information.
Invasive Plant Control More information on invasives.
Mistaken Identify Invasive Plants and their Native Look Alikes
NC Cooperative Extension Service – (Buncombe County) Excellent source of information on gardening/plants
Asheville Greenworks
Volunteer based organization which takes action on many environmental projects in the Asheville Area. They work on urban forestry, clean up for rivers and roadways, recycling hard to recycle materials, pollinator promotion and youth education and opportunity.
Bee City USA-Asheville This Asheville-based national non-profit galvanizes communities to sustain pollinators. They have a first-rate resource page with information for helping our pollinators survive and thrive.
Blue Ridge Audubon Society
Our local Audubon Society does a great job promoting an awareness and appreciation of nature. The group owns and manages the Beaver Lake Bird Sanctuary, hosts bird walks and regular programs, and lists local bird sightings.
Marshall Native Gardens
A biodiverse public gardens designed to promote sustainable gardening through the cultivation of native plants and to develop relationships with our diverse, sustainable, and public community of visitors, volunteers, and supporters.
The North Carolina Native Plant Society
The website of this state-wide native plant conservation organization contains all sorts of goodies such as plant galleries, a listing of native plant events, and gardening recommendations with natives.
RiverLink promotes the environmental and economic vitality of the French Broad River. They work hard to restore our nearby watershed.
Garden Club of Weaverville
The Garden Club of Weaverville has taken an active role in creating native plant gardens in north Asheville. Their website offers information on native plant gardening and control of the invasive species and highlights many of their projects.
The North Carolina Arboretum, Asheville, North Carolina
North Carolina Botanical Garden, Chapel Hill, North Carolina